edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Coma, comfort, city

Welcome to the Tilt-o-whirl that is my life�

I'm still in a food coma from my lunch yesterday at the IHOP. All I could think as the waitress brought my plate was, Golden, glistening, grams of Fat!!! Yes, pancakes with butter, potatoes, cooked in butter, ham and eggs. NO, I'm not that piggy, the item was called the "Grilled Ham Skillet" and that's what came upon it. So why am I going on about this? I don�t know. I guess, because my house has been transformed into Dante's Inferno, I look for ways to comfort myself. I find this comfort in comfort food, such as the "Grilled Ham Skillet" from IHOP. I'm simple, yet at the same time, intensely complex.

Last night, we began a new class. Eight down one more after this. It wasn't as bad as I thought. The new teacher, is a Junior High teacher during the day. I could tell immediately, she gives "points" for everything. Hm, I don't need points to be motivated, but that's her style. I think having a new teacher was what I needed. I felt like I was in a rut with my last teacher, he was good, but it was too comfortable. I do have issuses with the University issued syllabus for the class, however. The "Committee" that wrote it, and the outline for the class, are out of touch with reality. According to their Holy-syllabus, we were to write 4 papers on various subjects ranging from classroom management to diverse learners. Problem? HELLO, I've written all of these AT LEAST, 4 times before for this program. What good does it do me to shell out almost $700 per 6 week class, to do the same work over and over? Thank goodness for the "cut & paste" feature in Word! Give me something new for pete's sake!

Uncle and his FEMA team are back from New York City. We had a big family dinner last night, and he brought pictures and told us of his experience. The team was assigned to 12 hour shifts. His job was to go and measure the stability of the rubble. In places, there are fires that still burn and temperatures of 400 degrees Fahrenheit amidst the debris. After the shift he would go back to the place where they were staying and write reports for hours, sleep, and then return to Ground Zero. All he had to say was that his belief in good and evil was strengthened by this experience. He said that this destruction was caused by evil people, with evil aims. I have to agree with him.

I read an interview, with Harold Kushner, author of When Bad Things Happen to Good People and Living a Life that Matters, in US News last night. In the interview Mr. Kushner commented on the concepts of justice and revenge. He said, "Justice may involve hurting someone because the person deserves to be hurt, but revenge involves hurting someone because it makes you feel better to hurt them." So what are we doing? I think that my country is following the principle of Justice. I know that there are people in America that will feel 'less helpless' and 'better' if innocents are killed in Afghanistan, they are a minority. I think for the most part, though, we as a nation, want Justice for the people behind these senseless acts of terrorism. Yes, bin Laden and his cronies, need to be stopped, because they won't stop until, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are quashed. Thanks, but no, Mr. Osama, I don't want your life style. Maybe if you played by the rules of International Law, that the rest of the world does, you'd be given more legitimacy, but you don't, so we do what is necessary to stop your deiveance.

Last night when I came home, the partentals were watching a show on PBS about New York City It was so interesting to see the development of the city and all of the changes that have taken place over the years. Watching the people crowd on the streets made me miss living in a big city. I know this is odd, but I want to live in the city, I want to hear the noise, dodge the traffic, smell the smells, be a city dweller. Most people want to escape the city, move to suburbia, drive a mini-van and have a push mower. I want none of these things. I want to live in a high-rise apartment, sit in the park, and take the subway�I miss the city. But, alas, I am resigned to suburbia, the interstate highway system and shopping at the Super Wal*Mart.

11:31 a.m. - October 02, 2001


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