edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Super Groovy!

Hey here's a bit of good news from my credit card company. "Because of your outstanding recent payment performance we are lowering your monthly APR on your next statement." So, does that mean I get to pay 23.9% instead of 24% on my bill? Ha, I laugh in your face mighty credit card gods. You will not be the death of me, now or ever!

Ok, and what is up with the FOX network? I was reading in the TV listings section of Monday's paper (yes, I read the paper a day behind) and what did I come across, but the listing for a show entitled, "Who wants to be a Princess?" And this was the description: "Contestants vie for the hand of a wealthy and handsome young prince." Ok, wasn't this show called, "Who wants to marry a Millionaire?" Didn't we see the Darva and Rick show already, and wasn't it a total bomb? Remind me why people watch these shows again? I'm sure who ever ended up becoming the Princess, will be on Oprah, Rosie, and the rest of the Daytime therapy shows in a few days crying her eyes out, and on the cover of Playboy, by Christmas.

And in a final note, on this date in 1969, The Brady Bunch debuted on ABC. I love the Brady's more than I love the Partridge's. I've seen all 117 episodes a few times--oh ya, I'm a BRADYMANIAC. Brady Bunch came on after the Partridge Family, and Wallace and Ladmo in our town. And just so you know, I always wanted to look like Jan, (I think I'm the only one in America that likes her and *not* Marsha) and I still have a crush on Peter Brady. "NananananaNanana, Well it's time to change you've got to rearrange�."

12:35 p.m. - September 26, 2001


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