edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Oh to be young again

I'm in the middle of a project here at the Rock Pile. I've been assigned to created a Bulletin board and put our company's Quality Statement on it in some sort of artistic fashion. So the last three days, I've been cutting out little vinyl letters in preparation. It's made me feel rather 3rd grade. Cut, cut cut, stay on the form. I'm going insane, not to mention the fact that my right hand is permanently shaped like the scissor handle and my arm and hand are killing me.

So, all that this art project is lacking in a boarder for the perimeter of the bulletin board. I thought hey easy, I'll just go to the teacher supply store and buy some boarder in a package. Well, all they really had at the teacher supply store were boarders with happy school busses, and flowers. I didn't think that the engineers would like that too much. The only other choice was solid corrugated cardboard, with a ric-rack edge. I remember this type of material being in all of my grade school classrooms, but I'd forgotten how UGLY it was and still is. Eww! You think that they could have come up with something a little better than that by now.

After failing to find what I needed at the school supply store, I headed over to the fabric store, to see if they had some black ribbon that I could use as a boarder. I found what I needed, thank goodness; I'm really tired of this project. Have you ever noticed how the inside of a fabric store smells? To me it's sort of an old, dusty smell, and I love it. It reminds me of my grandma and her sewing closet. Grandma's sewing closet was packed with scraps, bolts of cloth, the quilting forms and notions. Under all of this rested the old Bernina sewing machine. I learned to sew on that machine when I was 12, of course I can't remember any of this skill now, but I knew how, nonetheless.

As I walked up and down the isles at the fabric store, I took deep breaths. This familiar smell made me feel safe and young again. It made me miss my grandmother. I want to be that young again.

Never mind, I have letters to cut out�

3:14 p.m. - September 27, 2001


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