edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


C'mon get Happy!

Can I be on the verge of a nervous break down? I don't know what my problem is, I am on the edge of tears and I have no idea why. Everyone keeps asking me if I'm ok and I just want run away and not respond, and the more they ask the bigger tears I want to cry�I feel like the sky is falling Chicken Little!

I also don�t know why I have such feelings of animosity toward Ms. Newspaper. I just want to make her miserable. Last night she was actually bearable in class, she didn't opinionate too much--thank goodness. But she was wearing a rather low-cut dress, and sorry for the personal fashion attack, I'm no Cindy Crawford, but read on...Her boobs were falling out, like we were getting nippleage here. Do I say, "Thanks for sharing?" or say, "Hey, umm you might want to put those bad boys away for right now." I don't know, it was making everyone uncomfortable. Now don't I sound like the goody-two shoes prude?

I came home last night and my kitchen was gone. Yes, totally gone. There are no counters, no stove, no sink, no toaster, no dish-drainer, nothing. See, we had this leak, the guy came out to look at it. I knew it was bad, but not that bad. Apparently, the leak had been there for quite a while, and was seeping thru the bricks to the outside, hence we have some sort of "possibly toxic" mold growing everywhere. Water from the leak also seeped thru the cabinets, thus turning them into a soggy mess, yes they're ruined too. So, I'm eating fried chicken from a box, cold cereal from a paper bowl and wondering when this will all be fixed. I must say, with out cabinets the kitchen seems a lot more open--ha ha. I'm sad though, as a part of our remodeling we will have to tear down the ugliest wallpaper in the world. I'm sad, it's so 1970s and I've grown to love it. It's sort of this vine pattern with big purple, orange and yellow berry-type things in it. I'm putting a big piece of it in my scrap book and saving it forever.

Speaking of the 1970s, today in 1970 The Partridge Family debuted. I remember watching The Partridges in the afternoons with all of the neighborhood kids, of course it was in re-runs by then, but it was still great. I always wanted my dad to trade in our gold Pontiac for a Partridge-Family Bus. Ya, and Momatron would dress me and M-1 as little Tracy Partridges, frilly dickies and all.

So, taking my cue from their theme song, "C'mon Get Happy," I am going to try and cheer up. I think, I will, B. just sent me an email, and to quote the Partridges, "I think I love you!"�I really am neurotic!

11:56 a.m. - September 25, 2001


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