edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


It's the way things are

My head is splitting open, I hate having these kinds of headaches, because no matter what I take it never helps�On to other maters. The weekend in review (Welcome to my boring life).

Friday night as usual, I left work in hurry. It had been a long week for all of us. We are all tired from the news, calls from customers, loss of business, the fear that we now live with as Americans. I was mad and quite upset, that someone here in Diaryland slammed me for being patriotic and supporting President Bush. I'm sorry if my patriotism or love of country offend any of out there, especially those of you that might be reading this from Europe. But this is how I feel, this is my diary, and I don't have to agree with you, or buy into your bleeding heart rhetoric. If you want a peaceful solution to what is going to happen and what has happened, maybe you should have been talking to the people that decided to "peacefully" stab and kill flight attendants, pilots and passengers, and then slam 3 jet planes into 3 buildings and 1 plane into the ground killing over 6,500 innocent people. Ya, that's what "Giving peace a chance" is all about. I agree with Mr. Levski about this subject today. He is right, we have the right to defend ourselves.

My bad mood was somewhat placated however, by the sunset on Friday night. The sky just above the horizon was bright orange and the sun was a glowing yellow ball. As you looked up from the horizon the orange faded into a very pale yellow and then to a very pale lilac color. There were slight wisps of stratus clouds in the upper atmosphere that had been turned into a dark plum color. It was just a sight to behold. Far off in the distance I could see the white hot after glow of an F-16 Fighter. It seemed so small and so unaffected by the cars and trucks whizzing around me on the road. I love sunsets like this, it makes living in the 110 degree heat for 7 months out of the year bearable.

Saturday, I spent an obscene amount of money at the eye-doctor. But, I got the works, eye exam, new glasses, new contacts, everything! The doctor told me I have some sort of congenital defect in the optic nerve of my left eye. I can�t even pronounce what he said it was. What does this mean? He said nothing really. This was all new since my check up of last year, and then he tells me that it manifests itself in the late 20s and early 30s. Well, I guess that's where I am in life, I am a late 20-something, kind of hesitatingly approaching 30, but not really. I mean, my 20s have been a blast for the most part, but I don't think I'd want to do them over again, well, all except the part of taking almost 4 years to get thru junior college. My parents would like me to do that part over again, but then I remind them that they did not pay for one red cent of my college, so they have no place to speak. Oh, I've totally wandered off topic, how typical! So, ya, back to the eye doctor. This anomaly will not cause blindness or further loss of sight, it's just a weird thing that I have, which is good because I'm practically blind as it is.

Saturday night, I got together with Yellow Ducky and Lifeblood to reminisce about the old days in Bulgaria. We made guvech, which is one of the most wonderful things you can eat! Guvech is tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic and lots and lots of CUPEHE (Bulgarian white cheese), sprinkled with savory. This is always accompanied by bread and lots of it! The only reservation I have about eating this culinary delight, is that it is baked in small earthen ware bowls which are covered with a ceramic glaze. Who knows what the lead content of this glaze is. Oh well, just another thing to worry about I suppose, so I won't. But after we ate, the three of us were sitting there telling our stories and remembering the good old days, it was nice, but weird too. Ducky's roommates came in a sat down, and just listened, like it was story time at the library or something. They said nary a word, no, not one peep! It was just weird.

And then it turned into Sunday, hazzah! What can I say? I saw Mr. Thursday Night, days ahead of schedule, he even came over and had a meaningful conversation with me, he was flirty, and teasing. I wasn't giddy or school-girlish in the least, but it was still thrilling all the same. And, for the first time this year, I elected to do my homework the night before it is due, instead of the day it is due. Funny thing how that cuts my stress level.

Yes, school is tonight, and can I just say, that if it's as pointless as last week, I'm going to run screaming from the room. Ms. Newspaper, I'm sure will want to debate the issues once again, but I'm not in the mood. I wish she would have a foundation to her opinions, instead of just having them. Sometimes it frightens me that she is going to be a teacher, when she loudly proclaims that she does not like children. ugh!

I just came back from the Dentist too. I had a cleaning, and the Hygienist told me that I have great sparkly clean teeth. Thank you very much lady, I brush them several times a day, I'm a CREST kid you know. But is it just me, or what, but every time I go in for a cleaning, it seems like the Hygienist tries to slice thru my jaw bones with the dental floss! Ouch!

This is all for today, the Engineers are, once again, giving me projects they wanted done yesterday..ta ta!! Eden.

12:50 p.m. - September 24, 2001


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