edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Thursday, spilling into Friday

I don't really have much to say or much to ruminate on today. Yesterday was Thursday, and as usual it turned out to be so weird. I know I go on about how I hate Thursdays, but it's true, only weird things happen, let me explain.

I've had lots of down time the past few weeks at work, then suddenly, yesterday, I had several projects dumped on me at once. All of the engineers wanted their project done first. Ok guys, chill out, think for yourselves, you are all educated, be creative. Can engineers be creative?

Needless to say, I was happy to leave, and go home. But home was not the quiet sanctuary it normally is. Due to leaky pipes, the kitchen is being ripped apart. It made for an interesting dinner. Can't wash, dishes therefore, no cooking, and I was actually hungry last night.

President Bush addressed the nation last night as well. I think I was in anticipation of this all day. I really thought what he had to say was good. He said what needed to be said, and hopefully America and her people can muster up the strength that is needed for the short term and the endurance that is needed for the long term. And yes, FREEDOM IS WORTH FIGHTING FOR!! If you want to march in a peace rally fine, go ahead, but innocent lives have already been lost, SIX-THOUSAND THIRTY-THREE at least.

My sister M-1, and her husband the Big M came over last night, to tell us, that they are moving to the Philippines in six weeks. Big M, got a job there. I'm excited for them, but sad at the same time. I am very close to my sister, and very much in love with her children. I know they are going to have the experience of a lifetime there, but that still doesn't make me want to say STAY! Momatron, was quite distraught about it all, but this morning she asked me to check on the cost for flights to Manila. She and Dad are going to get their passports renewed next week. I'll miss my sister. I guess Europe will have to wait yet another year. I'll be going to Asia next summer instead

Toast lost her job yesterday too. Apparently, the company she was working for is having financial problems as a result of the recent national turmoil. I suspect as does she, that the company was is hot water before September 11. Now is really the time she'd like to move to Brigadoon.

My bank account is all screwed up too. They put the stop payment for the check I wrote to the gym on the wrong account. The gym ran the check thru, now I'm overdrawn. They are not getting my money though. The Bank is "researching" who's fault it is�grrrr!

I'm ok, it's Friday, and I am going to do some meditation tonight to clear my brain from the chaos that swirls about it. Life is good, life is good�

1:34 p.m. - September 21, 2001


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