edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


The Mixer

How is Eden feeling? Like a mixed drink on a hot Mexican afternoon. I woke up this morning from a deliriously lovely dream. I didn't want it to end, all I can say, was that it involved some sort of Prince Charming figure wooing me--I like those kinds of dreams. Needless to say when I woke up, I wanted to be kissed, by some one who knows how to kiss, and to be kissed unceasingly (credit Rhett Butler for that line).

So all of these feelings of carnal lust are making me have incredible feelings of longing for Mr. B. And the fact that in the last few days we've have some positive communication doesn't help me any. I'm freaking out because I think he might be seeing someone, but I really have no idea if this is true or not. But then I kick myself and remind myself, that I broke up with him, and that's it's ok for him to start dating again. I'm dating again, for pete's sake, so why shouldn't he? I guess I'm like Veruca Salt from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. "I want the whole world, I want to lock it all up in my pocket, GIVE IT TO ME NOW!"

I'm also still dealing with my feelings from all of the terrorism etc. that we've had. I want to wake up and have it all be gone. I told Ms. Toast we need to move to Brigadoon where they only wake up once every 100 years. I'm just afraid that people will not continue to support a necessary response to the attacks on our country. It infuriates me to hear of people trying to find out how to become conscientious objectors if we do indeed go to war. I know we live in a free country and they have the right to object to war, but at the same time they should realize that this right has come with a price, and we must continue to pay for the freedoms we enjoy in this country, and yes that means that some innocent people will die. Innocent people have already died! What were their lives worth? Mr. Levski put into words today, all of the things that I have been feeling about all of this. I am willing to fight for freedom, are you?


Ok, to end on an up note, some one sent me a survey so I'm going to put some of my answers here for your reading enjoyment :)

What are your living arrangements? The posh and ever popular Casa de la Parents of course.

What book are you reading right now? "The Balkans" by Misha Glenny.

What's on your mouse pad? Nothing, it's just green.

What are your favorite magazines? US News, Foreign Policy, and People when I'm at Toast's house.

What are your favorite smells? April fresh laundry, my orange-chamomile soap & sandalwood.

Least favorite smells? Cut grass, halitosis, and curry.

What are your favorite sounds? Train whistles and the wind blowing thru the pine trees up in Flagstaff.

Worst feeling in the world? The feeling you get when you see flashing lights behind you! eeps!

What is the first thing you think of when you get up in the morning? Was it live or was it Memorex?

Favorite color? Navy Blue, followed by yellow. But my car will always be red!

How many rings before you answer the phone? What? The phone was ringing? Thought you were going to get it�

Future child's name? Gerti & Gus. Ok, no, umm Britney? eww no! Natalie for a girl and Nickolas for a boy.

What is the most important thing in life? Coming home safely.

Favorite foods? Cold Cereal, in all it's varieties, Cucumber-tomato salad and Frosty's from Wendy's.

Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla with fruit.

Do you like to drive fast? Yes, and it will be my down fall.

What was your first car? A 1983 Buick Skylark--the "SCO", the family hand me down car, may it rest in peace.

If you could meet one person dead or alive, who? The Dali Lama.

Favorite alcoholic drink? Ny-Quil of course!

Your zodiac sign? Cancer what else?

If you could have any job, what would it be? A painter, in Paris.

If you could die your hair any color what would it be? I already do this on a regular basis folks!

Favorite Movie? Hmm�where do I start on this one? There are so many, but we'll say Joe vs. the Volcano (see yesterday's entry for the explanation) even though it's really "A Room With a View".

Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? No, we dyslexic, lefthanders have a secret method for typing. If I tell you I'd have to kill you. And I think I'm the only kid in America to have failed typing in high school, yes, sad but true.

Have you ever been in love? Um, I think the beginning of this entry explains it all.

What is under your bed? My other bed, and the copulating dust bunnies.

Favorite TV shows? Again where do I start? Law & Order (oh and I run the new L&O diaryring !!), West Wing among others. Classic TV, of course the mother of them all, "I love Lucy" and the Brady Bunch, WKRP, Laverne & Shirley, St. Elsewhere, and the Streets of San Francisco.

Best memories of childhood? Building blanket forts at Anna's house, sleeping on the trampoline, looking at the Moon through a telescope, and watching for falling stars with my dad.


Well, we've come to the end of this monstrosity of an entry! Thanks for finishing, where's my prize?

11:40 a.m. - September 20, 2001


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