edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Are you Joe Banks?

Last night I had a "free" fitness evaluation at the gym I belong to, but never go to. Well, silly me, didn't realize that free never is free. There is always a catch. They wanted to sell me sessions with a personal trainer. This is actually something that I've been thinking about for a little while. So I went,I listened politely and was quickly mortified at the price! Ah--I could barely afford the second to last cheapest package. So what did I do? I numbly wrote out a check. It was $14 less that the amount I'd so proudly deposited in my savings account earlier in the day. I left, and the pit in my stomach was growing exponentially, the guilty voice of my conscience was screaming in my head. I tried to rationalize this purchase by telling myself, "Hey, Eden, it's ok, you'll be doing your body a favor�" Ya, whatever, I still have bills to pay, and things to take care of this week. I opted out of my contract. I'm thankful for the 3 day grace period on the contract. Why do I always do silly things?


You might have noticed a new picture on the page. Yes, it's Angelica Craynemore, from that cinematic classic Joe vs. The Volcano. Yes, I am one of three people in America that love that movie. Mostly, I put it up there in honor of Ms. Toast, my best friend. According to her when I say the phrase, "Are you Joe Banks?" I sound just like Angelica. Too bad we don't have sound in Diaryland, if we did, I could take a poll and you could decide if Ms. Toast is right.

If Joe Banks was the trainer at my gym, maybe I would have kept the contract, hmmmm��So, are you Joe Banks? Don't trust me, I'm a flibbertyjibbet!

2:34 p.m. - September 19, 2001


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