edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


No prisoners after 9 pm please.

Let's just say, that if I never have to see Ms. Newspaper at school again, I'll be ok with that. She is an idiot, she does not think before she opens her big fat yap and spews forth her mindless blather! I won't go into the details, my blood boiled away long ago, but I took no prisoners after 9pm last night. I got a twisted satisfaction by playing devil's advocate to every argument she raised. It was really bugging her that I was demanding foundational basis for her arguments, I was unrelenting--it made her tired. Listening to her talk made me tired, so I thought I'd return the favor. Ya, no prisoners last night, I think even my professor was on my side last night. I'm not nice when I'm in a bad mood.

I saw in the newspaper today a photo of some rioting Pakistani's, with a poster that read, "America, ask yourselves why the world hates you!" Ok, angry mobsters, "Why does the world hate my country?" Is it because we have a thriving and growing economy? Is it because we have the freedoms that you and your neighbors is Afghanistan lack? Is it because we can speak our minds without fear of retribution? Is it because I can worship the God of my choice according to the dictates of my conscience? Well, I'm sorry that you all feel so shortchanged, it's not my fault! Believe me, if I could I would give you the material things I have, the freedoms I enjoy and the self-determination that you lack. It's the fault of your government that you are oppressed. And just so you know, America is NOT against Muslims, we are against the people who perpetrate violence and hate!

I read an article yesterday, about the Taliban in Afghanistan, maybe that's what brought out the dragon in me last night. According to Taliban law, anything that does not promote the State, or their twisted version of Islam is forbidden. They have nothing, no music, no radio, no television, no parties, no weddings, nothing that makes life good and worth living. Entertainment is watching the public executions that occur on a daily basis, for the most miniscule of crimes. How is living life like this supposed to make things better? The severity of the Taliban is destroying any remains of good that that might have been left in Afghanistan.

I don't blame the average Muhammad on the street for the madness that I'm sure is about to ensue. I blame Mullah Omar and his thugs. Damn you and your philosophies to hell, or whatever you believe in. You oppress your people, not the United States of America, not Israel, not the United Nations not anyone but yourselves! Hassan Alfi, the Foreign Minister of Egypt in the 1990s said about 'Islamic fundamentalist terrorism,' "The public should be made aware that the killers who conduct violence against innocents are not Muslims; they do not practice religion. There is nothing in the Koran that justifies such murder. These men are using Islam as a cover for their political goals." I agree with Mr. Alfi.

In my attempts to understand the true meaning of Islam, and what it means to be a true Muslim, I have learned that indeed, Islam is a religion of peace and devotion to God. Muslims, profess their faith, pray, give alms, fast, and make pilgrimages as signs of devotion. The jihad that has been so frequently spoken of is not a war between men and ideologies, it's a war between the believer and one's own self. It is the struggle to overcome weakness and trial, it is the struggle that each of us face to be better tomorrow than we are today. This is the true face of Islam, not bombs, hijacking, oppression and killing ordinary people. It's just not, and if you think it is angry mobsters then you are wrong!


With that being said and out of my system, I just have to say, for all of you children of the 1980s I have found, yet another totally cool way to waste time on the internet! An 80s website! Ah yes, let us dwindle away countless hours as we reflect on the goodness of the 1980s. If you don�t believe me, click here. When you get there click on the tab that says "80's" Ahh sweet memories, and if that wasn't enough there is the perfect essay on the subject at this link. This is all for today, have fun in the 1980's, I think my Diaryland banner's ran out, I'm sad--so tell all your friends to read this!! Eden

2:04 p.m. - September 18, 2001


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