edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


My civic duty calls

It's been a lazy Sunday. Someone I was talking to today was complaining about how hot the weather was today. It's not though. It's only 100. And I say that because last week it was 117. (For all of you just tuning in I live in Hell, or if you want to get geographical, Phoenix). I know, it's a dry heat. That joke ceased being funny way back in 1987. But it's not that hot really! It's all relative

So, I have Jury Duty on Tuesday. This, however is not your run of the mill regular jury duty. This is FEDERAL Jury duty. A co-worker told me I should just not show up. No thanks, I don't want Tommy Lee Jones and the US Marshals beating down my door. But, I was talking to Lawyer Steve about this today. Well actually I was asking him what to wear to get out of being picked. He agreed that wearing my Boston College Law School t-shirt would be a good deterrent. Then he said, "You know Eden, sometimes Federal trials last for a year." WHAT THE... I don't want to be on a jury for a year! I have a life to live, meager as it may be, but it's my life! Then Steve gave me a lecture about my civic duty. He was kidding, but he was right. If I value freedom, and I do, I should go and be happy that I have the option given to me. Ya, I'll be giving a full report of this on Wednesday, and if it's not exciting, I'm making stuff up!


Let's talk about me now...ok, I'm not that vain...tee hee To answer a question from the guestbook. No, we did not have a 10 year class reunion. This 11 year party they have planned is in lieu of a 10 year. Weird? Hey but what can you expect, I was one of only 5 people NOT stoned or totally hammered on Grad Nite! Yes, we were a real bunch of winners. Oh, and thanks everyone for signing the guestbook. I'll get back to all of you this week, I promise, if I'm not picked for a jury or something. Have a good Labor Day...

8:26 p.m. - September 02, 2001


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