edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Win a Date to the Prom

Trying this again, I wrote this and then pushed the wrong sequence of buttons and it all went away, all of the funny goodness of Eden went away. What can you expect from a dyslexic, lefthanded klutz?

Thanks to all who have done what they were instructed to do and signed the guestbook you will all be rewarded, someday.


So as a follow up to yesterday's riviting entry, I ended up going out with Mr. Church Social. It was weird. I guess he did forget all of the dorky things that came from my mouth. It's funny though, you never know someone till you meet them and have a long conversation with them over dinner or something. Mr. Social, was not at all what I expected. Hey, but that's what I get for judging people. You think I would know that by now. We ate German food. I like German food, because it is comfort food. I know it's all full of fat and calories, but hell, it's a 3 day weekend! Fat & calories be damned!

So there we were eating and talking, talking and eating. He kept interrupting me. That bugs me. I don't like it when people bug me. So, I told him, he was bugging me. I'm sure that sent grandmother rolling in her grave. All of her hard work, all of the manners of social grace out the door! Oh well, I'm the first one to admit I'm a heathen. The topic of conversation moved to things political. I shouldn't talk about politics with almost total strangers. I have opinions, many of them,and I'm not afraid to share them. I shouldn't talk about things that are in the news. Then my blood starts to boil, and well...things just are not so good. I mean, I caught myself, but the look on Mr. Social's face was one of wonderment. Like I'm sure he was thinking, "I wonder when she is going to shut-up?"

Anyway, we continued on. Mr. Social is new to our town. So, we drove around looking at the town. I have lived here my whole life. My people founded the town I live in. Consequently, I know all of the little weird bits-o-trivia. So here I am like some peppy tour guide, "Now on the right we have the Library, and on the left we have Ciy Hall, they were bla bla bla..... I repeat I AM A DORK! But, all of this seemed to fascinate Mr. Social, so it was good.

We drove back to my house, he knew I needed gas in my car, from something I said, so he suggested we go fill 'er up. Fine, if someone else will pump gas for me, I'll let them. So we hopped the Ponti and headed over to the Chevron. He jumped out of the car, and before I had time to say, "I love Diaryland!" he'd put his card in the slot and was pumping my gas for me. Ok, this was nice, but weird too! I mean, HELLO you just bought me a fairly expensive dinner, and now your filling my car. Sureal, but nice.

We went back to my house for some idle chit-chat. He started looking at the pictures on the walls. This is a normal thing to do, right? Well, he noticed that they were all kind of dusty. So he started dusting them off. I was not OK with this. I mean, I'm just not that concerned with the dust in my house. I like the dust, when there's lot's of it, you can draw pictures in it or write your name it it! Anyway, I think he's a neat-freak. I'm not a neat freak. I revel in my disorganization! Strange. So this is what did it for me. When he started dusting my things I wanted him to leave. He did eventaully. It was strange. I don't know how I feel about all of this. Hmmmm.....


It's Saturday, and I've been out and about. I was at the Scrapbook store. I know, I dread going in there, but they're the only store nearby that carries my art-pens. The girl at the counter and the girl in front of me were having a very "in-depth" conversation on the location of this year's Junior Prom. It was a big deal for them. They were very disappointed that they had to have the prom at the Science Mueseum instead of the Hilton, or something like that...what ever girls. I didn't even go to the Junior Prom! Am I envyous? I don't know.

But it made me think. This year is my 10 year high school reunion. My cousin is in town this weeked for her school's reunion. One of my best friends just called to say that she's coming for hers. My school is having an 11 year reunion. YES AN 11 YEAR REUNION--How anticlimactic is that? Should I go? Do I really want to see all of those people I didn't like back then? Part of me says no, but at the same time I want to see how fat and bald we've all become. What do you all think?

Saturday's a wastin' gotta go, my prom date will be here shortly! ~~All for today, Eden.

2:35 p.m. - September 01, 2001


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