edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


I'm a narcoleptic dork

I can finally die a happy girl, or at least get off of Diaryland for a while! I saw my own banner today! Did you see my banner? Sign my guestbook and tell me that you did!


Eden, what is that sexy prefume you're wearing today? Obession? Eternity? Pleasures? Beautiful? Heck no! It's ICY-HOT! The all time best man-catching scent! Thank you very much!

Today I'm suffering from a case of narcolepsy. I mean seriously I feel like the life has been sucked from my veins by space aliens or something! Or maybe it's the left-overs from my adventures in dentistry from yesterday. I got to the office, and sat for 20 minutes. I was then led to THE CHAIR, where I proceeded to sit for another 20 minutes. Finally, Dr. Mickey Blue Eyes-too-bad-you're-married-with-kids came in. "Oh, Eden, how are you, bla bla bla, oh what do you do for work again? bla bla bla" Umm, Doctor, you are ruining my deep breathing exercises with your chit-chat. I need to do my deep breathing whilst you are poking me with that overly HUGE needle filled with a controlled substance.

I was all drugged up and happy and the drilling commenced, all the while, I was drifting between lucidity and the happy place. I felt like my mouth was going to lock-open, when Dr. Blue-Eyes says, "Oh, we're going to have to start over, this filling stuff didn't set right." Fine, whatever, just keep me tipped over and let me sleep. They didn't, they sat me up and left my locked jaw gaping open with all sorts of dental goo drooling out on to my bib. I swear, I felt about 3 years old. Again, I was left to wait for what seemed like a HUGE amount of time. He came back in and finished up, this time it worked. Of course he tells me, "No hard food for 24 hours." Ok fine, but NOW I'm craving tacos--grrr!

When I got home, I curled up in a ball and proceeded to watch some brain-stimilating day time program. I think it was Maury Povich or something similar. They were highlighting a group of rebellious teen-agers. These kids had just returned from Boot-Camp or jail or something. I'm really glad that I'm not home normally in the day. Why do they show this stuff? I'm also really glad that I have parents that did a good job of raising me, I don't think I would have done well in jail.

Ok so, I also went to Meet & Greet at church last night. I AM A DORK! I AM A DORK! I can't flirt, I think I should just stay home and watch Maury Povich next time! I slipped into semi-stalker mode, and kept a close, but safe distance to a very fine young man. He was working the crowd at a reasonable pace, but I swear, he knew everyone in that room and had a conversation with them. Finally, about 10:00 or so, he finally noticed me, and came over to talk! OH YAY! I was so happy! Of course, I was nervous and just said all the wrong things. Grrr��! Oh well, hopefully the male tendency of "not being affected by things spoken of in conversations, or not remembering the converstion at all" will kick in and he won't remember what a geek-o-matic I am! I'm 28, and I have more teen-relationship angst now than I ever did as a teenager! I swear! WHAT, is my problem?

Well, it's Friday, it's a 3 day weekend, but it's an all 80s weekend on the Mix, and we all know what a great years the 80s were. I have no plans, I am cheezy and I feel a nap coming on�I must go. Thanks for the validation, thanks for signing my guestbook. All for today!

PS Happy Birthday B., miss you!

12:05 p.m. - August 31, 2001


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