edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


The 3-D of Eden, dentists, drivers and dating

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"It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine�" I don't know why I have REM lyrics running thru my mind, maybe because I feel like Yellowducky . I'm at my 'less-than-fulfilling' office job waiting for life to happen today. But, I think really the root of my angst today, is my dentist appointment. Let�s just say that I was not blessed with good dental genes. Both of my parents have horrid problems with their teeth, and consequently, so do I. I've said it before, I've logged many a mile in the dentist's chair. I always hope the Novocain works. If it does, then I'm good to go.

Or maybe it's Thursday and I know how weird things get for me on Thursdays. I'm also nervous, tonight I'm going to the 'Meet & Greet' at church. It's another goal of mine, to get out and meet new people. I'm trying to fill my social calendar, but it's a daunting task. I have my eye on a few people, but I'm still in that "I'm scoping you out" stage. I'm just not flirty and cutesy-tootsy either. I talk about big things, like politics, the state of world affairs, books and art, and I think Mr. Levski would agree, that I can hold my own in a conversation. But, do men find women with an opinion intimidating? I mean I have my more light-hearted moments, I have been known to bat my eyelashes a few times, but I'm not the Belle of the Ball. I think it would all be easier if Some Enchanted Evening would start playing and we could just all sing our feelings. Ahhh, as my good friend Ms. Toast once said to me, "The trouble with life is, there's no back ground music." Too true, Ms. Toast, too true.


Yesterday, I went to the post office to mail a package. I always dread the post office by my office. It's a training station, and it's very slow and the people don't know what they are doing. I mean I don't fault them, I know everyone is new on the job at one point, but still, I dread it. This was not the case yesterday. A very nice civil servant named, Lynn helped me out. The charge for my package was $1.49. So, I was rummaging through my purse for the '49'. I kept finding state quarters that I don't have in my collection yet. Lynn asked, "What are you looking for?" I told her I collect the state quarters. So she broke open all of the quarter rolls in her cash box and hunted for me! That was such a nice thing to do! I ended up with 2 that I didn't have yet.


Is it just me or are people becoming more and more crazy out on the roads lately? Normally when people cut me off or swerve with out signaling I call them 'Hellions' or 'idiots,' (yesterday was 'hellion' Wednesday) ironically I was cut off by a REAL Hell's Angel yesterday! I guess that fact made my anger go away, but that doesn�t solve the problem as a whole. I try and observe the speed limit, signal when I turn, stop for pedestrians, etc. I think SUV drivers think that they own the road. Sorry, I just don't see the point in having a HUGE car to haul your groceries in. Now, I have members in my family that own SUVs, and I ride in these vehicles. But, these family members use their SUVs for the right reasons eg. hauling around the Scout troop, campouts, or working up at the ranch. Not that I'm and environmental wacko, because I'm not, but sometimes your SUVs scare the little economy cars of the world! Lisa Tote has a good take on stupid drivers though. Give her a read, I swear you'll agree, and laugh your pants off at the same time.


This is all for today, we're at T-2 hours before I go under the dentist's drill�Ak! I'll just sing a song and it'll all be good, right?

10:36 a.m. - August 30, 2001


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