edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


The Tuesday Wheel o' FUN!

Thanks for being here today in Eden�s Garden. Eden loves you for it, and yes, I VALIDATE PARKING, Mr. Levski. But for the rest of you, only if you sign my guestbook. Like I said, I need validation! ================================

Why does my back hurt? Why have I lost my appetite? Why is it 110 degrees here? Why, why, why! I want an Oompa Loompa NOW Daddy! ok now that's all out of my system�let's talk about school last night.

We had a sub (yes, a sub in Grad school--what a concept, but it was good). It was nice to get a new perspective to all of the same old issues that we bat around every week. Our Sub, Mr. Dean, James Dean--what a cool name--is a principle here in the valley. He has been working on a committee under the direction of the State Department of Education to make education standards more user friendly. As I wrote last Tuesday we're in a transition in Arizona as far as state standards for education go.

The new plan allows kids who don't pass the AIMS test to show mastery in other ways, for example, by taking alternative classes (these classes teach the standards, and demand mastery in lieu of a test), presentations, projects, performance evaluations etc. I am so glad! There is never one way to do anything. Mastery of standards should be a requirement, not the requirement. It means that all of the damage done to our state by that idiot Lisa Graham-Keegean (former head of the State Dept of Edu.) will be fixed!

This brings me to the next point. Mr. Levski and I have been in disagreement for about a week over the whole business of education in America. He is entitled to his opinion(even though he's wrong ;)--oh just kidding!), and I am glad that he has one. At least he is out there trying to stay informed, unlike many who are content to live in a world where second hand democracy reigns supreme. I think, however, we will always disagree, he is very conservative, and I am becoming more and more liberal as the years pass. Don't get me wrong, I'll stay a Republican, for my own reasons not to be disclosed here, but some times I just shake my head and think, "What the Hell are they thinking?"

This week (August 26, 2001) in the Parade Magazine there was an interview with Laura Bush, wife of "W". She is an amazing lady and a person that I admire a lot. She was a teacher once upon a time and has stayed active in education her whole life. The things she said in the interview are worth a read. The whole article is not avalible on-line, but if anyone wants it, email me and, I'll mail you a copy.


"All of us remember a teacher who changed our lives. I think teaching is like a calling, because it is very hard. People who complain about giving teachers the summer off ought to spend a couple of hours in a school trying to teach 30 kids. Really good teachers are the ones who accept the challenge that teaching offers."

I couldn't agree with you more. Mrs. Bush. It's a hard job, I am willing to accept this challenge, even though I know that there are pitfalls. I feel that teaching is a calling for me. I also extend the challenge that Mrs. Bush extends to everyone who complains that funding for education is a lost cause (Walter Sowell, Walter Williams and all of the other conservative pundits at the JWR). GO SPEND TIME IN A SCHOOL! Are you helping solve the problem, or just complaining about the problem? What do you suggest we do?

"When you ignore your child's education, you give your child the message, that education is not important. Parents need to remember that they are their child's first teachers, and it's very important to make time for children at all ages."

Again I agree, parents need to teach their children, give them the love and attention they need and deserve. Help them with their homework, talk to them, read with them, sing with them, pray with them, just take the responsibility that is yours. If this means sacrificing a second job, a bigger house, a hobby or whatever, so be it!

"Our educational system should matter to every American, because our country will reap the benefits or suffer the consequences of a good or bad educational system for every child."

Ask yourself, "Where are my priorities?" I think Mr. Levski's opinion of education and funding for schools will change when his children are in school. He too will become one of the doting parents worried about test scores, school accountability, and yes, funding for books, pencils, teacher salaries, simply for the fact that he will want only the best for his children. And this is an open question to anyone, if we don't spend money on schools where, then should we spend it? Funding ridiculous missile defense systems, genocide in Israel, drilling in the Arctic for oil?

But I just want to make a few final points. Education is in transition, I think for the better, right now, and there will always be people who are not happy with the way things are. I think we all can agree that this is a given in any situation. In Arizona, standards for individual schools are being developed, and will be in place for the 2002-03 school year. These standards will rank schools. "Failing" schools will be required to make improvements or they will be denied funding, taken over by the state or closed. Bad teachers, are slowly being eliminated as well. This is in part to parents that care, and administrators who demand excellence from their staff.

My advise to anyone that has a gripe about the state of education in this country is to get involved! Volunteer at a school, read to a child, help someone with their math homework, communicate with administrators and teachers, write your elected officials, run for office--just ask what YOU can do to help. Someone will appreciate it!

Thanks once again for all of your lovely ears. Now here is the question of the evening, "How should I ask a someone out for a get-to-know-you type date?" Phone-call, in person, on-line? Ohhh the questions I have to deal with! Ha--just kidding! I'm not that shallow! This is all for today! :) Eden

SONG DEDICATION TIME To: Ms. Toast "Roxanne" by The Police. It's playing on the radio right now, and it made me think of you and all of the fun times we have!

Take care all!

2:32 p.m. - August 28, 2001


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