edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Weekend in Review

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Today my good friend Mr. Levski mentioned me in his post. Pay him a visit and let him know what you think. Or read some of my past entries and let me know what you think about education in America. I�ll address Mr. Levski in a future post, because today it�s time for the WEEKEND IN REVIEW.

So Friday night I had to make and emergency trip to the Airport. I hate the airport in Phoenix. It seems like they are always having some sort of construction project going on there. Of course these projects always mean some sort of detour. I ended up going to another terminal instead of exiting. Trying to turn around and find my way out proved to be quite tricky. The sign pointing to the exit is only 5 feet in front of the exit. Hey airport, thanks for the warning! I like cutting off speeding busses and screaming taxi drivers!

You think by now I would be accustomed to all of the traffic problems there. I�ve only lived in this town my whole life! Oh well--THREE CHEERS FOR THE DIRECTIONALLY CHALLENGED!!

I moved on from there to the Tokyo Express. It�s a Japanese fast food place across the street from my Junior College. I was in the neighborhood and was hungry to boot so I stopped in. Not much has changed in the 10 years since I last ate there. This can be a good thing, or a bad thing. Good, because it�s still cheap food, bad because it looked worn and used.

It wasn�t crowed at all. So, I thought, �Hey great in and out 5 minutes tops.� WRONG! There was a family in front of me. I think they ordered everything on the menu, because they were still standing there after what seemed like forever. I was growing restless. Finally, my turn came. All I wanted was Teriyaki Chicken and steamed veggies. No big deal--so I thought. I gave the nice counter lady some money and stepped aside. The muzak in the background was a particularly mellow rendition of The Look of Love by Burt Bachrach. It was quite enjoyable, but where was my food? Three people in the line behind me had come and gone. I am not a nice person when I am hungry. I was trying to be nice and *not* complain. I think the counter lady understood my frustration, because she kept yelling at the lady in back to hurry it up, and put more food in my bowl. Ironically this whole dialog took place in Spanish, nonetheless. Finally the food came, and I was out of there. Why did I stay and wait? I don�t know, I guess for a $2.65 meal and some good memories���

On to the house of a friend to watch a Russian movie. Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears. This has got to be one of my all time favorite movies! Every time I watch it I understand it more. It�s a movie about life and dealing with the challenges we all face. The main character Katia�s life ends up changing in ways she does not anticipate, but the experiences she has, end up making her a better person in the end! Oh--I can relate! I also love the fact that this movie is in Russian, most beautiful language in the world!

Saturday, I went to see The Others starring Nicole Kidman. It was a "sort of" date. By sort of, I mean that we all paid for ourselves and there were no frills, but it was a boy/girl boy/girl seating chart. Does this count? I think I�m starting to care about my dating stats. Here�s a tip on the movie though, don�t waste your time. It was a mediocre attempt at thrills and chills at best. The plot was fair, the cinematography was good, but I was expecting more on the FREAK OUT scale. I just wasn�t scared, and the plot twist at the end was not nearly as twisty and good as the Sixth Sense. One redeeming factor was the music. In a scene near the end of the movie there was a particularly beautiful rendition of Chopin�s Vals Opus No. 61 for Piano. I knew however that I just should have gone to see Planet of the Apes instead.

Finally, something that my other good friend Yellowducky mentioned in her latest post struck me. She spoke about confidence and believing in yourself. I agree with her fully! I think I need to use her mantra, I am a good person, people are lucky to know me�. No I�m not blowing my own whistle, but I�ve realized over the past few weeks, I have a lot to give, and I want to share as much of myself as I can with others!

School is tonight, so I�m sure I�ll have lots of interesting things to say tomorrow!

11:53 a.m. - August 27, 2001


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