edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Wax On, Wax off you Superfreak!

It's the end of a very long, yet very productive day. I was so tired last night from the week that I skipped the Friday nite festivites and just went to sleep early. Earlier than a weeknight--how ironic.

Part of my childhood went away today too. My cousin Kimi took my old bunk beds away with her to college. I told her that everyone in the family has had those beds at their house, or at least spent a night in them. I remember when me and M-1 inherited the beds from my mother's brothers. We thought that we were sooo cool! BUNK BEDS! In the days following our furniture coup, we tried to see how many different ways that we could get on the top bed. Running starts, building towers, climbing the sides...oh such fun!

When my brothers inherited the beds a few years later, they would have "King of the Hill" contests. Everyone would pile on the top and start pushing. These were no holds barred contests--any method to rid the bed of the enemy was fair. This included, tickeling, pushing, biting, pinching and bribery. Ah yes, many a child suffered broken bones, sprained bums and whatnot from those beds.

Later on, I was in Target looking at CDs. I was standing next to one of those CD displays that plays music when you walk by. As I was standing there these little girls came by and started pushing the buttons on this contraption. Rick James' "Superfreak" started playing. They all started dancing around and singing at the top of their voices. It was cute, but did they realize the importance of this song? Probably not. I do, I remember when it first came out, we all wanted to be super freaky back then.

The rest of the afternoon, I spent moving furniture and fighting the evil forces of the Dust-Bunny Brigade, that had assembled under my bed. Scary! Bless whoever invented those Swifer dust wipes. They saved the day, and my nose from a thouough dusting. I then, had a moment! Yes, I Eden, the most uncoordinated, unmechanical, un-handy girl in the world, put together my desk! Yes, Father came and helped, but I did it! (Disclaimer here--I AM NOT good with these types of projects)...

Here is a tip, wax your car before it oxidizes. Because once it has, and you appyly wax, or 'protectant' it looks bad. Of course, while I was out in the driveway rubbing this wax on my car, I felt just like The Karate Kid. WAX ON! WAX OFF! Of course, I am not the Karate Kid. Now my car looks like a bunch of inept first graders attacked it. In fact, I think that it would look better if first graders had waxed it. It's all beschmired with some goo that came from an orange bottle promising to restore your car's shine! Oh well, so much for reading the lable and following the directions.

I'm tired, so I'm signing off. But it's a good tired, I worked hard today, and I have a clean house and Super-freaky car to show for it!

Leka Nosht~~Eden

11:58 p.m. - 2001-08-18


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