edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Um, 'scuse me, your pants are falling off!

I just got back from lunch. I went to lunch at the Mall. Yes, boys and girls it's FREE GIFT time at Dillard's! I love free gift time at Estee Lauder....free gifts mean free samples of the stuff that I'm too cheep to buy. Now I want to run around singing, "I feel pretty!" Actually I smell pretty...I love it!

Oh the Humanity....

I went and observed at the food court too. Very interesting. There were mother's and their small childern, older people, teenagers, mall workers and other non-descripts like me. As I was eating, I saw something that almost made me choke. A young teen-age type girl came walking by with her gaggle of friends. They were the typical Britney Spears wannabe-sluts-in-training. Fine, you can be this way, but for heaven's sakes button up your shorts honey! Yes, the leader of the little Britney's was wearing some ultra-mini-short-shorts, button un-done, zipper un-zipped, fly open, exposing her belly, and her tidy-whiteies (which were red by the way). And besides that, it makes those of us who've been around the block wish for the good old days, before wrinkles, celluliod and stretch marks!

Gasp! Am I getting too old to think that this is offensive? Does her mother know she's in such a half dressed shape? Oy--I just had to look down and sigh. Why do women pander themselves like this? It's so sad...does this girl have *any* dignity? To me, this display of flesh said, "I'm here for the taking. Sex me up and forget about me tomorrow." And it seems that women and girls start on this dangerous road of self-degradation earlier and earlier.

I just wanted to say to her, "Look you don't have to tart yourself up like this! You are good, don't lower yourself to what society says you should be! Button your pants!" Ahhh...what can I do, but hope that she'll wise up!

In other news....

I got an email from Ms. Toast, she has been having trouble with the city she lives in. Apparently some of her neighbors don't like the fact that Toast's friends park on the street in front of Toast's house when they come to visit! So the agitaited neighbors have convinced the city to only put up no parking signs in front of Toast-Mansion and paint Toast's corner red! Ay-yi-yi! So much for the First Ammendment, the right to assemble peacfully, and the right to do have your friends over without providing shuttle service. Can you say DISCRIMINATION neighbor? Normally I'm not a litigous person, but all I can say is "WHEN THINGS GO WRONG, DON'T TAKE THE LAW INTO YOUR OWN HANDS. TAKE THEM TO COURT, ***THE PEOPLE'S COURT!!!!***"

Meanwhile, back at the Ponderosa....

The other night I was going on about the BSB & NSYNC--well, instead of them, I heard Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody! Oh that was so much better than the sugarey sweetness of teenage angnst! I love Queen, no one plays or sings like Freddy Mercury! It was a beautiful moment indeed...why am I so cheezy?


Ok back to work, a project is being born, and I am the midwife to this foolishness! ~~Eden

1:25 p.m. - 2001-08-16


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