edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


The many moods of Eden

This day, was a day to forget....why? I think I went thru all of my emotions to one degree or another. Again I slogged out of bed, half awake and comatose, only to have to rush to get out the door on time. And again I say Allegra-D makes me sleepy.

I finished writing my final letter to B. This is the one where I tell him good-bye forever. I just had to defend myself against the unkind barbs he wrote me. Breaking up sucks, breaking up over thousands of miles sucks even more....I wanted to cry.

It was a good letter though, I admited that I had been prideful and selfish. But I pointed out that he was not totally honest with me either. Communication on all fronts is the only way that things will work. Part of me is glad that this saga is over, part of me is sad, because I still love him. Ahhhh.....I think Ms. Toast, this will be my final contact with him...only you know how I feel!

Internet down at work all day...you all know of my love affair with the World Wide Web...it's passionate...I am grouchy!

Driving home from work was no picnic either. People weaving in and out of traffic. Turn signals? What are those? To hell with courtesy...fools, you all still got caught at the same red light! Ahh...sometimes justice is sweet!

I wonder sometimes if all parents really love their children. I ask this because while I was waiting at a stop light a small Geo-something pulled up beside me. Mother in the front passenger seat, small child, no more than 2 years old on her lap unrestrained. What? That poor child is a torpedo waiting to be launched. These are the kind of people that would probably bring a wrongful death suit if that child were to be killed in an accident. And I wonder why Arizona has the most expensive car insurance rates in the country? Idiots!

Redeemer of this day?....yes, the beautiful Arizona sunset. There are none other in the world as marvelous. The sun was a bright orange, and the clouds surronding it were a deep rich purple and bright fuschia. I couln't help but stare at it and be so thankful for being able to witness something so beautiful. I wanted to be part of that sunset...

All for today....Eden

7:19 p.m. - 2001-08-15


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