edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Friday Fun and a movie review

Sheesh! It's only 9:41 a.m.! This day is crawling by....da dum da dum....oy! I want to say thanks to the 2 new guestbook entries, generated by my countless hours of Diaryland-ing yesterday. See, it's all about reciprocity again. The more I sign in other people's books, I *think* this will up my readership. I mean I checked my stats yesterday, and there were 54 hits! YOWIE! (Maybe I should buy banners????) But, I forgot to count how many times I actually looked at my own page. Which I know was a lot--narcissicst! (is that spelled right?)

So, along this same line, if more people are reading this I need to pep things up a bit. I realize that over the past few weeks I've been a bit moody. There are several possible explaniations for this....1-I'm cranky and overfed 2-Hormones, we'll just leave it at that so Mr. Levski doesn't have to sit thru a female rant about, umm, female stuff! 3-I live in Phoenix and it's too DARN hot here! All though, I do have access to A/C everywhere I'm at so I can't complain too much. 4-I'm mad that school starts again next week and my vacation totally sucked. 5-I've not had a date in over 2 months, and consequently the things that come with dates, i.e. conversation, kisses, flowers and someone paying for the movie (although a weird thing just happened in this department not more than 15 mins ago...will address in minutes !!!) I don't know....it's the mystery of me....

So back to the point of all of this. I need to up my funny factor in Diaryland. I mean in re-reading my entries, if you don't know me personally, you'd think I was an emotional basketcase, and I am, just not all the time. My life is really very funny, for instance, I'm horribly clumsy. I trip on my own feet at least 10 times a day (to the amusement of my co-workers and the shagrin of my mother). I'm dyslexic and I have to re-type everything I write, I transpose numbers, and generally can't spell to save my life. I'm 28, I moved back to my parents after I finished college, to go to grad school. It's strange to live in the same room I live in as a teenager. It's a hoot to live with my parents, and really get to know them, now that we are all adults. So, I'm going to try and lay off the depressing stories of my "less-than-lovely-love-life" and the trouble I seem to bring upon myself. Although, I must say, spilling here, in this forum is good for my nerves!

Now on to other things...A MOVIE REVIEW. Last night I watched "13 Days". It's a movie about the Cuban Missle Crisis. Over all it was ok--I'm glad I didn't pay $8 to see in a theater. Kevin Costner should *not* try to ever speak with a New England accent again! It was bad, very bad indeed. He needs to go back to Iowa and play in the corn with the baseball guys.

Finally, I just got asked out on a date by a guy looking for a job. Here is what went down....

Mr. Jobless: Are you hiring?

Eden: No, (please go away, and quit eating my tootsie rolls)

Mr. Jobless: You look familiar

Eden: Well, I didn't go to school here, I went to school in ABC state.

Mr Jobless: Oh did you go to XYZ school?

Eden: Yes (now go away, your cutting into my internet time).

Mr. Jobless: Oh, so did I, what are you doing tonight? I'm going to see a raunchy movie, do you want to come?

Eden: No, thanks, I gave up seeing teenage sex movies when I was a teenager.

Mr. Jobless: Do you want to go bowling tomorrow?

Eden: No, I'm washing my hair.

Mr. Jobless: Oh well, I just thought we alums should stick together.

Eden: No, have a nice day.

Well, now it's 11 am and I've managed to kill a large portion of the morning. I'll be back later no doubt, today the mean letter from B is coming. I'm about ready to pee my pants with anticipation. I want to see how hard he rips me....until then quit eating my tootsie rolls!

9:41 a.m. - 2001-08-10


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