edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Rings and things and the Thursday Funk explained

Ok so once again, I have spent WAY too much time in Diaryland today. And yes, I spent the day joining diaryrings and reading pop-ups. I need to explain myself as far as the rings go. Geez, I feel like Marsha Brady on that one episode of Brady Bunch where she joined all the clubs at school to get popular. Is that my aim? I have no clue, because A-I am clueless B-I'm board C-I'm in a Thursday Funk...I'll address this in a minute.

Now THE REST OF THE STORY (with all apoplgies to Paul Harvey...)

"Why I joined the ____________ (fill in the name of the ring) diaryring...."

The Conservative Ring, well because I'm a Republican, I'm proud of it, and for the most part, I like George Bush I & II, Ronald Regan, Trickle-down Economics, Faith-based charities and the Singing Senators.

The Smart Chicks Ring, see entry entitled 'I am SMART woman hear me ROAR.'

The Boys are Icky Ring, see entry entitled 'An open letter to Mr. B.' and generaly boys are icky, unless you are kissing one, or he is giving you flowers or something (which is an rare thing) and then it's ok.

The San Fransisco Ring, because, I LOVE San Fransisco! Not only is it the home of JOURNEY (one of my favorite 80s bands), it has culture,neat-o used bookstores, pizazz, and the Octagon House!

The Birkenstocks Ring. What can be said about the world's most perfect shoe? I bought my first pair on a very rainy afternoon, from a shoe peddler in Munich, Germany--10 years ago. I love that pair of Birks--I still wear them. I think I want to be buried in them.

The Nutella Ring. Yes for me and my sweet tooth. Nutella has so many memories for me. As a child my Father used to spread this magical cream on toasted Wonder Bread--ah good nutrition be damned! When I lived in Bulgaria Nutella was my comfort food for the long, cold Bulgarian Winter. There was nothing I loved more, than to get a jar, and a warm loaf of bread and forget my cares.

The Eighties-kid Ring. Yes, I fully admit to having Mile-high Mall Bangs, owning Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' (on vinyl), wanting to marry all of the guys from Duran Duran, watching the Cosby Show, Family Ties, Miami Vice, wearing leg-warmers, pinning my jeans, and wearing frosted pink lip-stick! I LOVE THE 1980s...for further information see the above: love of Regan and Trickle-down economics.

The Beehive-Lady Ring. The owner of this ring states that "Beehive is a state of mind, not a hairstyle." Well said, it is because I do what I want, and I don't care what people think (well most of the time). But, I really one day, want to have a Beehive hair-do.

The Hummus Ring. For those of us that love Hummus. I love this food, if I could have things my way, I'd have a hummus faucet on my sink. There is no better way to eat bread, with the exception of Nutella, than with Hummus.

Those are my rings, these are the things that I identify with, these are the things that make me happy.

OK--now to explain the Thursday Funk thing. Thursday is always the hardest day of the week for me to get thru for some reason. I think, it's because I know I only have one day more in the work week, and if I can get to the end of Thrusday, Friday is not a problem. Maybe it's hard because, Thrusday is a good night on TV. I look forward to ER, CSI, Who's Line is it Aanyway, among other things. It's like I say to myself, "Hey, mind numbing-veg-o-matic-in-front-of-the-Boob-Toob-tonight." Maybe it's because it's Meet & Greet night at church. I go to this sometimes because I know I need to be out there with people my own age once in a while. It always makes me nervous, because I'm not generally a 'meet and greet' type of a gal. Who knows...does anyone know?

And finally, I know I was a bit fatalistic in yesterday's update. I think I was more hard on myself than I should have been. Ms. Toast so kindly reminded me that we all make decisions we regret and that hindsight is 20/20. My intentions were legitimate with Mr. B., the delivery sucked, and I need to work on that. I'm just a human trying to deal with the shortcomings of others as well as my own. This is a hard thing sometimes. I'll try not to be such a stinker in the future...

This is all for today, kids....Eden

PS if by chance anyone is reading this for the first time, PLEASE SIGN MY GUEST BOOK!

2:38 p.m. - 2001-08-09


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