edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


I am SMART woman hear me ROAR!

So, I've spent WAY too much time in Diaryland today. It's really fun, I've been joining diary-rings all day...oh what a thrill...and every time a new banner for someone's diary pops up of course I have to go and check it out. I'm so silly....

I joined the "smart-chicks" diary ring. And I just want to comment on that. I'm glad that there are other women out there in Diaryland that are proud to be smart. I AM PROUD TO BE SMART!! I am thankful for my intelligence, I'm glad I have a brain and that I know how to use it!

A friend once asked me why I wasn't married, he commented that I was very smart and incredibly well read and educated--among other things. I was touched that he felt that way. I debated my answer back to him however. Many times in our quest to fit in to the "ideal woman" mold that society has created, we as women short change ourselves, we dumb down so as not to intimidate, or stay silent when something should be said. I told him as much.

I continued on and said that I didn't want to just be someone's doormat, that I wanted to have my own ideas and opinions. I have a mind, it is filled with good things, history, culture, languages, music, happiness, sorrow, desire, and emotion. I need to be appreiciated for who I am, not who society thinks I should be.

A few entries back I was whining about the state of men. My good friend Mr. Levski admonished me, to not become desperate, desperation, he said, leads to tragedy. Too true, too true. He also said its all about give and take. I have always belived that reciprocity is a word to live by. We get what we give. I will continue to be me, I will find ways to improve, and become better.

So, I just want to say, that I AM PROUD TO BE SMART! I love my mind, I want to fill it up to overflow! Love me because I am me, and I will love you just as much! I am beautiful, I am good, I am WOMAN hear me roar (ok I had to say that!) Kisses to, Ducky, Lifeblood and Ms. Toast because they are SMART-CHICKS too. We are women, mothers, friends and sisters...cherish us and nurture us, we deserve these things.

This is all for today~~Eden

2:50 p.m. - 2001-08-07


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