edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Saturday night dust and dreams

Saturday night I came out of a building and the wind was blowing something fierce! But it was so wonderful! We have these terrific thunderstorms here in Phoenix in the Summer. The thunderheads roll in from the south or the east, and they bring with them huge walls of dust. This dust is followed with the sweet smell of rain. As the rain beats down the blowing dust, the hot pavement sizzles as the rain cools it off. It is the most wonderful thing to experience.

The lightning is another part of these storms that never ceases to amaze me. Far off in the distance the clouds rumble. Just before they belch thunder, white sheets or bolts of lightning shoot forth from their under-bellies shilouetting the clouds. When this happens mysterious shapes are revealed and the night becomes day for a brief moment.

As children we would relish these moments, and run out and try to catch drops of rain on our tounges. We'd come in the house soaking wet, and Mother would promptly usher us into the bathroom to strip out wet clothes off. As a teenager, a different spin was added. We would all run and grab our inner-tubes and float in the rain-swolen gutters.

As I stood there in the rain and blowing dust on Saturday, I was so thankful to be there, remembering my childhood, and being part of the moment.

4:53 p.m. - 2001-08-06


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