edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


The Man and the Bagel

I've figured out why I'm still single. Men irritate me. I don't know why, but since the breakdown on Tuesday nite, I've been out for blood. Which makes no sense because there were no men involved in that whole incident! Maybe it's because I had to go into fight or flight mode, and I've yet to come out of it...I don't know.

This is what really brought it on I think. Yesterday, we had a big meeting here at the office. Normaly when we have this particular type of meeting I am only responsible for setting up the coffee service. I'm fine with that. That's what the secratary is supposed to do, I think. We were also having a small celebration for our Opps Manager in the back--Krispy Kremes and milk. I assumed for us only. So, the night before, Mr. J, our sales mangaer, decided that all of the people in his meeting should be included in our little celebration. Wednesday night on while leaving early he tells me to pick up bagels for the party. Like a lemming I just said ok. Later though is when I came to my senses.

This is what I thought, "Umm, hello, you are leaving early, pick up your own bagles. You have a car, pick up your own bagles. You know where the store is and I assume you know how to use money, buy your own bagles." As I thought about this more, I became increasingly more bugged! Why, I mean it was just a simple request, simply solved. Maybe because more and more often around here I am expected to do these kinds of "woman's work" type tasks. Did I go to college for this? Would you like fries with that? I don't know....In an act of defiance I didn't pick up anything, but I caught flack from all of the men in our office for not bringing them something to eat. Hello--I do other things when I go home at night....

Back to my point, these little things are what bother me about men sometimes. Men, so I've been told by several male friends, are simple creatures. "Feed me, love me, let me watch ESPN all day on Saturday and I'll be fine." Am I right on this? Is courtesy a thing of days gone by?

I remember once a guy I was dating, asked me what *I* wanted to do one weekend--I planned he paid. It felt so nice to be asked, to be taken care of. Maybe that's what I'm looking for, someone who will understand that I love doing my own thing and my freedom, but that I also want to be loved and taken care of even more. Is this why I am still single? Is this too demanding?

Does anyone have the answer?

10:02 a.m. - 2001-08-03


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