edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Spending money makes me happy

Update on yesterday's thoughts....I found my score card. I won't dish the details, but after 2 hours of complete and utter nervous breakdown Mother found it--it was in her desk of all places! HOORAY for Moms!

But while foraging through my "filing" system i.e. piles on the floor. (Everyone that's married into the family comments on this...what can I say it is hardwired in the genes). I resolved to come up with a new system. One that most people use, we call it a filing cabinet and file folders.

So after work tonight, I'm heading off to the Office Max or Staples, whichever over-priced store is on the way home, to spend un-godly ammounts of my hard earned money. I must say though, the thought of spending is making me delirious with happiness. I don't know why I get this way when I spend money. Consequently I end up with more piles of useless junk! Vicious cycle....

I don't know....all I can say is I'm set to teach in January, I get to spend money, I have good friends and I'm carefree....for the next few days at least!!

4:27 p.m. - 2001-08-01


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