edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Today's thoguhts

Ahhhh....time once again for Diaryland. I find that this is a most relaxing part of my day. I've found that since I joined Diaryland, I've become more contemplative and more observant about myself and life in general.

Today's toughts.....

I don't fit in with my family. I always feel so nervous around my extended family. And I always end up chattering on about nothing like a nervous girl on her first date. I hate it! Maybe it's because I don't feel "good" enough to be with them.

I'm sad for the people of Belorus. As if 70 years of Communisim was not enough, now they must live under the tyrannical whims of the dictator Lykashenko. There are reports of disappearences and severe opperession of anyone who opposes him. It reaks of Pinochet, Peron, Hitler, Stalin and Mao! So much for a New World Order.

I'm fed up with the City of Tempe and the Arizona Cardinals football team. They will do anything for a new stadium. Even ignore recommendations from the FAA of the saftey of the stadium project. You see the proposed stadium, in addition to being funded by a tax increase, lies exactly two miles off the end of the runway of our airport. Tempe and the team say it's safe, I beg to differ. Tempe wants to have the airport authority re-route flights and reduce the number of flights using the airport. This affects every person that will fly thru Phoenix. It's a bad idea all around, but knowing how government caters to special interests the Cardinals will have their stadium and I will be stuck waiting longer for my flights or crashing into a crowd of people.

I am heart broken for the Palestinians. I think what Israel is doing is wrong. Granted I think that peace will only come when both sides agree to stop the violence. This means that ALL revenge killings must stop and that wounds must be allowed to mend. It's not fair for Israel to level apartments of innocents with mortar and bombs, when the average Palestinian only has rocks and bottles to defend themselves. The UN needs to enforce its own mandates and demand that Isreal leave the West Bank and the Occupied Territories. What would Rabin think of all of this? I'm sure he's turning in his grave.

Will I find my score card for my State Exam? I have to or I'll have to wait to finish my student teaching. I'm sick over this. It's my own fault. I wasted time and didn't get my papers in, in a timely mannor, I'm a slob and have no sense of order to my personal papers. I'd deserve it if I had to wait an extra 9 months to teach, but I know I'd be langushing in the life I lead now. Pray for me!

I need to sleep more, eat more fiber, and find a way out of my health club contract....any suggestions?

4:21 p.m. - 2001-07-31


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