edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


The Why of Me

So I'm writing twice today. I feel like it. I think I have some 'splanin' to do!

Why Eden? Well, of course this is not my real name. I'm not overly fond of my real name~~and the three other people that read this know my real name so I don't need to publish it. Besides if I did, it would ruin the fun of all this, right? But what can I do? (I'll make up my dream world here on dairyland). But, I think Eden is a lovely name. Acutually, once I was watching a "Masterpiece Theater" episode on PBS and the villianess of this particular series was named Eden. She had the most peircing blue eyes and devilish look in her face. But, she came off as a cool and controlled person. Maybe that's why I chose Eden. This TV Eden is me sometimes.

Why Garden? Well in my perfect world, I would have a garden, but since I live in Phoenix-Metro AZ and it is a million degrees on a regular basis, I don't. Really, when I think of gardens I think of English gardens. The kinds that Miss Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy would stroll through. The kinds of places that are lush and green, quiet and solitary. These are the places that remind me of my times in Europe. When I lived in Berlin, we had a garden like this across from our flat. Beautiful, I would go there and think or just look at the leaves on the trees and watch them grow.

Why is my life not what I expected? In high school, I was voted 'Most likely to have a mini-van and 10 kids'. Glad to say that hasn't happened! This year marks 10 years in the "Real World" for me. I sometimes bag on myself, because I think that my life is not a cool as people I know. So, I don't have a husband yet, and I don't have a brood of children, I don't have some fab-o career. This is ok, because I know that they will come. I'm not ready yet. And am I really the only one living at my parents house still? I've not been a continious resident there. I'm in school again, because I finally found my calling in life. Rent is expensive and so is school, I can't do both.

But, it's been good, I look back on what I have done and I think that I can say that I am pleased. I know several lanugages, have lived in Europe a few times, have had some harrowing adventures, put myself thruogh college and now grad school. I own a car, and a VCR (and I can program the buttons of both :) ) Sometimes I think that I am the most boring person I know, but then I realize that life in "the real world" is not like life in TV land. I'm just doing my thing, and that's what it's all about

No, life is not what I'd expected at all, but that's ok I still have time to figure it all out. I belive what Yellowducky said about long-slow-kisses that last for three days, you look forward to those moments and in the mean time, you keep on keepin' on.

12:34 p.m. - 2001-07-22


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