edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Going away to nothing.

I climbed a mountain and I turned around; and I saw my reflection in the snow covered hills; well the landslide brought me down. Oh mirror in the sky, what is love? Can the child within my heart rise above? Can I sail thru changing ocean tides? Can I handle the seasons of my life? And if you see my reflection in the snow covered hills, well maybe, the landslide will bring you down.


I went walking this evening. It had rained earlier, so there was a nice cool, moist breeze. I�m walking 3 times a week and doing Yoga 2 times a week. I think it�s a good way to relieve myself of some of the tension that has built up in my body over the last few weeks. It will also help me keep my willowy, swan like figure in check. Ha-ha.

It was just nice to walk though, tonight. I was walking with a friend. We didn�t say much tonight. I think it�s alright. She has been wonderful this last week. She has listened to me cry, vent and spill my frustrations. I�m really so thankful for my friends and family right now. I don�t think I have ever felt as loved and supported as I have been in the last few weeks.

My dad, who is not a very expressive or emotional man, came to me the other day and told me he loved me and that he was concerned for me. Not that he always hasn�t been, but the present distress has been trying for him too. I know it pains him to see me hurt. He wants to help, but can�t. All he can do is hope.

I tipped my head back and looked up at the sky tonight. You can�t see many stars in the city, but the sky is beautiful none the less. The breeze was brushing my face. That�s all I thought about, the wind on my face. It took me away for a minute. Just away. No school, no heartache, no responsibilities, no rules, no students, just away. I took a big breath of air and held it in my lungs. I love the smell of earth after rain, and the wind on my face.


Not a night goes by, I don�t dream of wandering, through the home that might have been. And I listened to my pride when my heart cried out for you, now every day I wake again in a house that might have been.

10:31 p.m. - August 28, 2002


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