edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Returning with out somethings

Eden returns, sans her favorite yellow dress, her long hair, one of her cats and her sanity.

La, I was not reading The Outsiders when I decided to quote Robert Frost. In fact, I�d forgotten that, that poem was used in the book. I was looking for an appropriate measure of my feelings.

The Cat

I have a cat, his name is Baby, sometimes I call him Tuna Kitty because he is spoiled and gets to eat tuna. Baby has been sick for the last few weeks. At first it was an infection. He seemed to be getting better, and then he started regressing. Saturday my mom took him to the vet. She called a short time later and told me that they were going to have to put him to sleep. He had feline leukemia, no blood pressure, and all the cells in his little fat tummy had turned to liquid. What could we do, but put him to sleep? I couldn�t even go and say good bye, I don�t do well with goodbyes, I am either icy and stoic or overly emotional.

I think I would have been overly emotional in this case; And why over a cat? I think that he was just a fixture in my life for so long, and such a fun little creature. My bothers and I caught him as a kitten in the back yard when we were kids. At first we thought he was a rabbit, but it turned out he had no tail. A unique cat, I think I will miss my Tuna Kitty.

The Hair

Later on in the day, I was down at the Saloon of Beauty getting a hair cut. I was spacing out and I did not realize what was being done to my fine blonde locks. I was weed whacked! I guess the new girl didn�t understand when I said that she can�t cut layers in my hair. Short, curly and layers are a deadly combination. Deadly I tell you. I look like I�ve just stepped off the Good Ship Lollipop!

I felt like Anne Shirley, in Anne of Green Gables, when she dyed her hair auburn but it really turned out green and she had to cut it all off. I kept muttering, �It�s just hair. Shirley Temple grew, so will your hair. Anne survived and grew up to marry Gilbert Blythe.�

The Yellow Dress

Upset as I was from both of these events I decided to take my frustrations out on my favorite yellow dress. The yellow dress had a hole in the arm, so I decided to fix it. I cut off the sleeves to fix the problem. I decided to pair my yellow dress with a denim shirt and wear this outfit to school today. It was delightful and springy, until I noticed the hole. Somehow I managed to rip a rather large hole in the back of the dress, right in plain sight. There was no way my shirt, if I took it off and tied it around my waist, would have covered this hole. Even if it did, I was still sleeveless, and let�s just face it, there are some things in this world that just shouldn�t be exposed, my flabby, tanless arms are one of them. This is something I can�t fix, not with fabric glue, stitch witch or a needle and thread.

The Sanity

I�m not sleeping at night again. I hate this. I�m so worried about getting called for sub-jobs and interviews for real jobs. Last night I woke up every hour afraid I would fall into too deep of a sleep to hear the phone ring for a job assignment. I�d also like to know where I�m going to be in the fall. That would make the summer go by so much better.

So, thanks for the memories, kitty, long normal hair and yellow dress. It�s been real.

4:54 p.m. - May 06, 2002


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