edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Wicked Witch of the West

The rumors are true everyone. I am, in fact, the meanest teacher in the world, and I purposely single out Girl #1 in 4th hour. It gives me mountains of pleasure, thinking of ways to make her life hell.


I was back in my old class today.

These are the philosophical differences of our lives:

Difference #1: Note writing, taking and reading.

Girl #1:Do you read the notes that you take from us?

Eden: Yes, I do, then I throw them away.

Girl #1: But that�s not FAIR!

Eden refrains from telling her that life is not fair.

Eden: Look, when you are here, you are on my time. If you waste my time, you loose the privilege to do what you want with your time. Case closed.

Girl #1: No, you can�t do that!

Eden refrains from telling Girl #1 that the world does not revolve around her, and she is not always right.

Girl #2 (who I hate, you know): Well, you can�t read it if it�s personal.

Eden: Girls, the debate is over, suffice it to say, that if you are writing notes, I will read them, and yes it�s fair. This conversation is over.

Girls # 1 & 2: But, but, but, but�

The Class: Shut up!

Thank you.

Philosophical difference #2: I have to go to the bathroom, and it�s an emergency!

Girl #1: Can I go to the bathroom?

Eden: No, we are watching a movie and you know the rules, no bathroom passes issued during class.

Girl #1: But, it�s an emergency!

Eden: The answer is still no, now go and please sit down.

She once got me with the �It�s an emergency!� line. She even went as far to use �Aunt Flo� as a last ditch effort. It was a farce. She will say anything to get her way.

Girl #1: *sighs loudly, places hands on hips, rolls eyes, and stares me down* Why are you being so mean?? This is an emergency!

Eden: How do I know that you are not taking me for a ride like last time? You�re not going, no matter how long you stand there, so you should just go sit down.

After a few more rounds she sat down. But, she didn�t go quietly. Every time someone else got up to ask if they could leave I told them the same thing. Girl #1 would reach over and try to find out what I told them. She then would look back at me giving her the biggest, toothiest Cheshire Cat grin I could muster.

Yes, I do try and think of ways to make your teenaged life a living hell.

8:11 p.m. - May 02, 2002


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