edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Back at the Monkey House, with out the French Bubble People

You get what you pay for. I bought a printer for $70 � it�s a hunk of junk! And it�s an Epson, don�t buy an Epson. Not only is it waking dead people in China (because it's so dang loud!), the quality is, well it�s $70, is all.

Today at the Olympics: THREE MEDAL SWEEP of the Men�s Snowboard Half-pipe, by the United States. The audience sang along with the national anthem � how cool is that? We�re good in the punk sports, because let�s just face it, we Americans are just a bunch of rabble rousing punks!

And, honorable mention to Sale & Pelltier of Canada, who should have won the Gold Medal in Pairs Figure Skating. The judges seem to still favor the falling down Russians, over the perfect Canadians! GO CANADA!!!

What is with Mondays? It seems like the kids are extra squirrelly, extra caffeinated, and not apt to listen. That�s ok, I�m wreaking my revenge tomorrow. BIG HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT!! Eden manically laughs, and rubs her hands together mmmwwhhhhaaaa!

I ate dinner at my Granny�s tonight. We were all talking about the Opening Ceremonies. Auntie remarked that she enjoyed the program, and that she was also happy to see that the French Bubble People did not return, at which point my mother fell on the floor laughing (it�s only fitting seeing as how I went on and on for 20 minutes regarding those crazy Frenchies). Ah life and art.

**And if you didn�t hear this, there is supposed to be some sort of terrorist threat tomorrow. Can I just say that I�m sick about this. Why the hell do these people hate us? Go back to your caves for the love of pete!**

Ok, now that I have mindlessly rambled on, I have to go figure out some sort of lesson plan for tomorrow�s romp through the monkey house!

9:51 p.m. - February 11, 2002


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