edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Weird Googles and a story about my personal life

�I wanna be somebody for someone��

Life in 8th grade this week has been, um less than perfect. It�s the test of my time. They are comfortable with me, so they are testing me. I�ve had to be the Wicked Witch of the West. Hats off, gum out, pencils ready in your seat. It�s frustrating. Mr. Mac was gone today, so they asked me why he was so mean. �He�s not mean, you guys, he�s just preparing you for life in the real world. He�s making you think. You need to know how to think, because in the real world, there are no second chances. No one cares if the dog ate your homework, or if you forgot. Oh and your �Bootylicisous� t-shirt is inappropriate too.

A VERY HAPPY BELATED 62nd BIRTHDAY TO TOM BROKAW YESTERDAY!! (You all know of my deep admiration and respect for him)

A Random thought: Have you noticed that there are 4 themes of daytime TV talk shows? 1-Paternity tests for teens 2-Boot camps for troubled teens 3-Makeovers for Moms and 4-Revelations of personal lives and secrets. I just noticed it, because I was flipping the channels and there was a talk show.

Mr. Levski wanted me to tell him why I am a Law and Order addict. Well, I�ll tell you. It was the summer of 1998, and I had just been dumped by my boyfriend, Mr. Underachiever. Underachiever and I had, had a tumultuous and rocky start, but we were very good friends and had made so many memories together. I made the mistake of thinking that he wanted to marry me, no he just wanted my body. Anyway, when we broke up I was so devastated. I was in summer school at the time, and I just didn�t feel like going to class, so I didn�t. �What to do?� I asked myself. All of the sudden, I was sucked in by the TV vortex, and discovered Law & Order re-runs on A&E. Then I discovered that they played L&O re-runs 4 times a day on A&E. So I tuned in, and in and in and in. It was easier than getting up and thinking about work and school, and damn, if Chris Noth was not easy on the eyes. Now I am a L&O junky, and addict if you will. I get my fix 3 times a week, with regular, SVU and CI�..mmmm mmmm good!

Now, I think that this entry is going to get me some weird Google hits. The other day I was �Denmark pantyhose� Googled. What ever�.and well I won�t even tell you the other weird Google I got the other day, it was nasty.

****OLYMPICS****Start tomorrow!!! Tune in, it�s Sting with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Now that�s a combination that is sure to get me a few Googles�

5:27 p.m. - February 07, 2002


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