edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


I want a Sledgehammer pen for Christmas

Today I'd like to thank Sa for helping me waste some time at work (like I can't do that on my own). I took the "Art Test" and this was my result:

If I were a work of art, I would be Vincent Van Gogh's The Starry Night.

I am a tiny village at peace while overhead rages the tumult of the heavens. Objects whirl and flash around me in a fevered haze only partially reflected in reality while I remain grounded and secure in my isolation.

Which work of art would you be? The Art Test

Of course I only arrived at that conclusion by taking the Art Test a few times. My original diagnosis was "Caveman Art." I don't want to be a wall hanging for Osama bin Laden. The "Starry Night" is actually one of my favorites, so I don't really feel like it's cheating. Take the Art Test it's F-U-N!

I have a new friend here in Diaryland. His name is Night Dragon. This is what he said about me on his profile: "Very tasty and bold stuff with a breezy but clever style of writing. Eden specializes in taking a close up and personal look at the idiosyncrasies, oddities and mendacities of this world before smashing them to bits with her sledgehammer pen." Thank you, thank you!! I love the sledgehammer metaphor -- SMASH! It makes me want to sing that song "Sledgehammer" by Peter Gabriel, or at least do the happy dance. Whaaaa! Night Dragon, is one of my new favorites as well. Pop over and pay him a visit.

News! News! News! I finally found out my student teaching assignment. I'm going to be teaching 8th grade Social Studies at a Junior High near you. It was a huge relief to find out where I was going and who will be my cooperating teacher. The University did not tell me this blessed news however. I was tired of waiting and following their directive of "Don't call us, well call you." I started making some phone calls and within an hour I was informed, fat and happy. Wonderful news�now reality will soon set in, I will have a nervous breakdown and have to eat milk and toast for Christmas dinner. But for now call me Miss Eden, teacher semi-official!

It's so cold in my office this morning that my fingers are not typing right, this combined with dyslexia, blonde ambition and my general left-handedness is a not a good mix, so I'll sign off. Join us tomorrow; Same bat-time, same bat-channel! BAM-O!

On the Radio: I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas.

11:55 a.m. - December 05, 2001


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