edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Mr. Oily does it again

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I have a good friend named Moe. We've been friends since our Freshman year in college and have managed to stay friends all these years.

Yesterday Moe was at the Jiffy Lube getting an oil change. She had and interesting experience with an employee of the Jiffy Lube whom I will call "Mr. Oily," here is a sample of what transpired:

Mr. Oily: Hi, do I know you? You look very familiar.

Moe: I don't know, maybe. Did I see you at volleyball?

Mr. Oily: Yes, I think so. So, where did you go to school?

Moe: I went to ABC University.

Mr. Oily: Oh so did I. Where do you live?

Moe: Well I don't really know you, so I don't want to tell you.

Mr. Oily: Well, I just want to know where you live, will you tell me?

Moe: No.

Mr. Oily: Ok, so will you go out with me?

Moe: No.

Mr. Oily: Why won�t you tell me where you live? Why won't you go out with me?

Moe: Because, I don't know you.

Mr. Oily: Fine, I just thought we alums should stick together.

Anyway, Moe called me last night and we were talking and she related this whole thing to me. I suddenly had a realization of who this was. I asked her, "Is he roundish, with a little peach fuzz moustache? Does he have olive colored skin, and hair that sticks up?" Moe answered yes to my questions. Mr. Oily was and is none other than the infamous Mr. Jobless. You remember him, he was in my office a few weeks ago harassing me with almost the same pick up lines! Oh scary! Moe was afraid that Mr. Oily was going to look up her address in the Jiffy Lube database and stalk her. Perhaps, but I think very unlikely. Mr. Oily no-longer-Jobless never came back to bug me, it's doubtful that he'll come back to haunt Moe.

But here is the chuckle�why is it that these types of guys always seem to find my friends and me? I think I am a nerd magnet, plain and simple. Not that nerds are bad, but creepy guys that make me want to run and find a police man! I think I have and invisible sign above my head that says, "Suckers Welcome!" How weird is this whole situation? How can the same guy, using almost the same pick-ups, ask two friends out? Yes, welcome to my life. However, I agree with Gilda Radner, she said, "I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes and they're the first to be rescued off of sinking ships." Oh how true!

Tonight is Thursday Nite Meet & Greet, I�m sure I'll have tales to tell tomorrow! All for today~~Eden.

2:25 p.m. - September 06, 2001


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