edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Stress, is relative

Stress is my middle name, keeping it real is my game.

Yesterday and today, I had two vastly different experiences, but both were an exercise in keeping my patience.

Let�s just say, that I did not start yesterday out on the right foot. I showed up at the wrong school first of all. I knew it was too good to be true, when I though I�d gotten a call from the school across the street from my house.

I ended up at a school in a rougher neighborhood � why the confusion, the name sound almost the same and my miracle ear was apparently on the fritz. I had my reservations about teaching at this school, for once upon a time I had been a student there. My reservations proved to be correct.

No one deserved to be treated the way I was treated yesterday. There was trash talking, smug looks, and almost fighting. Not to mention the fact that there were no lesson plans, no seating charts and no help to be found from anyone at this school. I won�t be going back there. Ever.

I was not a happy camper, but it was a learning experience.

Student loans�let�s just not even go there.

Today I was back at my Uncle�s office pretending to know what I was doing. Nelson says: �Ha-ha!�

Most of my Uncle�s clientele are of the geriatric persuasion. Why do old people show up to appointments, engagements, functions and Denny�s early? We�ll never know. None of the little grannies were discontent to sit and wait, however. I just found it interesting that they came and sat. They were all very nice, in fact, one of them told me I�d done a nice job filling in. Thanks, I think.

Tomorrow, I�m back to my class to sub. I�m glad. It�s also �Take your child to work day.� What does this mean? Absences! Thank my lucky stars.

��Turn the clock to zero boss, the river�s wide we�ll swim across, we�re starting up a brand new day��

9:04 p.m. - April 24, 2002


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