edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


March is National Craft month, I'm glad I made it!

It�s very late and my computer is doing funny things. I don�t have enough tech savvy to know what the heck is going on. I think the next time I try to play a video that is included on a music CD I�ll pass � I think this is the root of the problem.

On a good tech note, I learned how to use to CD burner on this contraption last night! Oh how powerful do I feel? MWHHAHAHAA! Too bad Napster is no more, I�d be having a hi-ho time downloading and burning things�

Well, it�s official. The State granted me license to corrupt, oops I mean teach the children! I am OFFICIAL! Well at least for the next thousand years � er one year. Yes, they made a typo on my Certificate, it expires in 3003 � lucky me I don�t ever have to go downtown again.

With this paper now in my hot little hands I can begin turning the myriad of applications that I have filled out in the past few days in. Let me just say, what a project this has been.

Every district wants basically the same information, but in its own way. I�ve been meticulously going back over my transcripts trying to figure out how many credits I have in what subjects. Political Science I�ve decided, will count as �Government�, all of my �special topics� classes (oh and there were many in my major) will count as �World Studies� classes, and I don�t even know how to classify the Anthropology, Philosophy and Greek Literature I was forced to take.

Here we go, the job hunt is officially on! And now my nerves will return to their previously frazzled and discombobulated state.

On another note, I went to two craft stores today. How very uncharacteristic of me, but I was in an Arts & Crafts kind of mood, so I decided to run with it, not to mention that fact that March is National Craft Month. How could I not celebrate this most American of holidays?

I was looking for spray adhesive; I assumed this was the stuff beauty contestants spray on their butts so that their swim suits don�t ride up. Oh, but that was so beside the point. The point is, that last fall on my trip to Boston, I collected some very beautiful leaves. I pressed them in a book for 4 months, and tonight they were ready to be mounted.

At the first store I was crouched down looking at the different glue selections and this lady kept hovering over me. I finally asked if I was in here way. She said, �Oh you, so are in my way. Can you hand me that thing there?� ***Eden thinks to herself: �I know you just asked her if you were in her way, but my, wasn�t her answer on the abrupt side?�*** Ok, so I handed her whatever it was she wanted. She then proceeded to tell me that she has used all sorts of glue in her various craft projects and bla bla bla. Thanks for the advise, but I�m just trying to follow the Martha Stewart (even though she is the devil) directions.

At craft store number two, which was really a fabric store, I purchased a yard of linen and 4 yards of funky ribbon trim. I am going to attempt to, and attempt is the word here, to make my cut off jeans hip and chic with a new hem made out of my linen and funky ribbon. I figure why pay department store prices when you can do this in your own home? Ok so if I succeed I�ll post a picture of my jeans here. I don�t know. My friend Marsha did this, but she is much more artsy and creative that I am. She also knows how to sew, and I did find the spray adhesive.

I�m ready to craft the day away, I�m here to do my part to make sure that this March will go down in the National Craft Month history books! **Please note that these pages will be presented in scrapbook form on acid free, archival quality paper.

11:42 p.m. - March 27, 2002


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