edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Dysfunction in the Garden!

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The weekend is over, thank goodness! It was my mom's 50th birthday. We wanted to make it a nice occasion. She'd mentioned that she wanted to have a nice dinner and not have to do a thing about it. Fair enough, it's her birthday, she deserves to have what she wants. So M-1 and I planned to go out to a rather nice restaurant with everyone and their spouses. The timing was all wrong. My brother called me on Friday night to tell me that he and his wife would not be attending for various reasons. Oh I was so mad, upset and hurt all at the same time. I just felt like he was being really selfish. I can't reason with my brother, we fight instead, I cry and he yells. All Mom wanted was for her whole family to be there. My brother said at some point in the conversation, "We'll come for Sunday Dinner." Reality check dear sibling, Do you think mom should have to cook YOU a big dinner on HER birthday??

I finally told him, he should just decide what he was going to do, and he could tell mom why he wasn't there. I think he wanted me to validate his decision, I couldn't so I just hung up. Saturday afternoon came. We met at Monti's to eat. My sister was there but sick, I was uncomfortable being there because of the tantrum I threw the night before, the service was horrid, my dad was tired and grouchy, I wished my brother and his wife were there, and Mom was just trying to be a good sport. Oh~~why do I feel like such a freak when it comes to family gatherings? Why can't I have a normal conversation with my dear brother? I really do love him to the ends of the earth, why can't I show him that? Yes, I think we are slightly dysfunctional. Look for us next week on Oprah. M-2, my 2 year old niece did break the ice though. When our stupid waiter brought her a cookie, she said, "Oh boy! Cookies make me burp!"


I need to go and write a paper for my class tonight, I need to write 2 papers really. Ugh! I will be so GLAD when I am done with my certification! I'll have my life back, and my Monday nights free once again! DEATH to busy work!! Can I stand to sit through tonight's discussion on all things trivial? Can I stand the misguided ramblings of Ms. Newspaper and Tuna lo-lo? I don't know, it will require lots of Diet Coke and Advil, I can feel it in my bones!


Blue-green eyes, hair of gold, tall as a tree, humorous and shy. This is my Thursday night treat, whom I saw yesterday, oh happiness!

This is all for today~~Eden

1:00 p.m. - September 10, 2001


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