edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Update to yesterday's Entry

I think I need to make myself a little more clear in regards to my entry of yesterday...

Yesterday I said, "It's all about money. Money to hire and keep quality teachers, money for books ans supplies, money for the school building itself and the money it takes a family to send their children to school." My intention was not to say that if we mindlessly and aimlessly pour money into schools that test scores will be raised or that all of the problems facing schools will go away. I know that this is not the solution, money does not buy happiness or resolution to problems. However, when a child, more specifically a child in a rural school is using the same textbook his mother did 20 years earlier, more money needs to be alloted to correct this problem. We have no business building multi-million dollar mega-schools when there are other schools that lack basic necessities such as, heating/cooling, electric and plumbing systems that are up to code, updated textbooks, computers and paper and pencils.

Unfortunatley, money is what makes this world go round, and although there are many quality teachers, I think there would be so many more quality people in Education if it were more financially attractive. Teaching school is more than just coming in lecturing, testing and going home at 3 pm for 9 months of the year. The teachers that I know, my mother and grandmother for example, grade papers in the evening, plan school programs, attend district mandated training meetings, meet with parents and prepare for the school year all summer. They do these things because they love their jobs, despite all of the politics and public apathy they encounter.

It takes a lot to be a teacher. I have learned this as I have gone through the certification process. There are all types of students in our schools and each brings with him or herself something different. There are gifted learners, slow-learners, kids who come from traditional families, some who do not. Others live in poverty, while others want for nothing. Under the federal and state rules for public education all of their needs must be met. Couple this with an apathetic public and parents that may or may not care, you have a mess on your hands.

I don't mean to sound preachy, but we pay for what we care about. If we don't care enough to pay for a quality education for our children, then we have just sealed our own downfall as a society, and nation. You get what you give, and if you give a pittance you will get a pittance. The solution? Start writing our Representatives in Congress and the State Legislators. Write and call the State Departments of Education. Get active, show that we care, don't sit idly by and think that someone else will take care of it. We are the taxpayers, these people work for us!


Also from yesterday, I didn't want to say that a sort of "White Man's Burden" should be assumed when it comes to funding the schools and programs for the Native American Reservations. That is an out dated notion that smacks of imperalism and oppression. My point again goes down to money. If there is a disparity in funding, and there is, solutions need to be found to fix this. Again, there needs to be accountability here. Proper planning, input from all sides and oversight would ensure that monies were sent where they need to be sent, so that the rural districts or native peoples could prepare their students to function in today's globalized world.


Finally from yesterday, I learned today that the state of Arizona is considering alternatives to the AIMS test for graduation. Under this plan students would be able to demonstrate proficency in other ways. Some of these include, portfolios, demonstrations, presentations, other tests etc. I say HOORAY for the State Department of Education for finally giving students some options on graduation. Just because you can't pass a Trig test shouldn't mean you can't graduate high school.


Should I end on an up note? Womanhood is still cut throat, but men are not all evil. You can still be "friends" and not lovers, a compliment is still nice once in a while and lately the radio has been playing all of my favorite songs. Gas prices are coming down, the Cubs and the Red Sox are both in the Penant race and I am having an incredibly GREAT hair day!

Tomorrow we will talk about lovely things, and the upcoming new look for my page! ~~Eden

11:52 a.m. - 2001-08-22


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